In college, I never put up any artwork in my room, because we weren't allowed to put holes in the walls. The wall above my computer was always dedicated to random notes, pictures, dissected greeting cards, and postcards that trailed me from year to year. My room in Robbinsdale now does have my artwork posted just about everywhere - but I still feel the constant reminders seeping through my daily life, needing recording. I have to save these pearls for later, and keep them near me for inspiration.
So, in no particular order, I give to you my 2009 Post-It pieces of sage advice.
- Horoscope for 3/28/2009: "If someone confuses you, you should avoid them like the plague - nomatter how handsome or beautiful you may find them to be. People who send mixed messages, play head games, and just aren't clear about who they are in general have nothing of real value to add to your life. Like a bad cold, they will bring you nothing but restless nights and overwhelming fatigue." (for the record, it took me 4 months to heed this advice)
- Be here now, no other place to be/All the doubts that linger, just set them free/And let the good things happen/And let the future come into each moment like rising sun (and thus began my love affair with the one and only Mason Jennings)
- "Now" - Our true home is the present/moment. To live in the present/moment, to appreciate the/ peace and beauty that are/ available now./ Peace is all around us -/in the world and in nature -/ and within us -/in our bodies and spirits.
- Clean the laundry room. Seriously.
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